Get new revenue
hiding in plain sight

SMBs prefer an integrated bundle over 5-7 different apps.
Embed invoicing, Bill pay, B2B payments, and more to become
an OS for your customers, opening new revenue streams, faster.

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Backed by founders & execs of

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Get new revenue hiding in plain sight

The numbers are in:
you’re missing out

Use Monite to build new products, make your brand stickier, and earn 2-5x more per
user. More features, higher user retention, and new revenue streams—all thanks to Monite’s embeddable workflows.


faster time to market with embedded finance admin


potential increase in ARPU from various revenue streams

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Let users pay within your interface
and earn up to 0.6% per invoice.

AR/AP are core to our product, so we looked at multiple providers as well as building in-house. We chose Monite due to their product depth, quality of APIs, and fast development. Working with Monite has been a breeze – a robust API platform, knowledgeable team, and quick support at all times

Jane Shmygaleva, CPO

Jane Shmygaleva, CPO

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Offer all the features your clients need

Make getting paid a breeze for customers and earn on it vector line
Automate invoicing for your SMBs vector line
Ease their billpay vector line


Make getting paid a breeze for customers and earn on it

With Monite, platforms can enable customers to pay invoices in one click via auto-embedded email links. We offer different payment methods—from bank transfers and cards to open banking, BNPL and FX. Save thousands of hours on due diligence, negotiations and integrations with separate providers.

90% of SMBs struggle to get paid on time, chasing invoice payments for up to 30 days on average

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Embedded Invoicing

Automate invoicing for your SMBs

Replace emails, phone calls and post-it notes with customizable invoices, quote generation, and automated reminders. Reduce risks with a real-time overview of cash-flows.

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Embedded bill pay

Ease their billpay

Monite is a personal finance manager for your customers, helping them collect, review, track, and pay all incoming bills in one place. This way, the whole cash flow picture is at their fingertips.

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Sync with accounting providers


Become the one-stop-shop for your
customers before someone else does

Be the first-mover. Don’t play catch-up.

only 5–10%
of SMBs use software for their financial operations*
of SMBs use Microsoft Excel, email, and paper for invoicing and billing
Average time wasted by SMBs won financial admin tasks
30 days
the average cost of manual processing for a single invoice
of revenue, SMBs estimate to lose each month due to payment inefficiency.*
# of specialized tools an SMB needs to automate their financial admin

Boost your revenue and
dominate the industry,

Get more, solving the biggest customer pain

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About Monite

Building the future of
financial services

  • TechCrunch logo

    Monite doubles seed round to €10 million


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  • BainCapital

    Next-Gen CFOs Need Next-Gen Tools to Power Their Organizations


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  • Fortune logo

    Monite Raises $10M in Seed Funding


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  • Axios logo

    Monite raises another $5 million bringing in a total of $10 million in seed funding


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  • Sifted logo

    Why we pay for employee mentors


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  • ProcurTech logo

    The definitive 100 pioneering digital procurement solutions


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  • Forbes logo

    How To Prepare For The Era Of Hyper-Niche B2B Super Apps


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The startup augments classic ERP-based financial management and represents a new wave of ‘out-of-the-box’ application value. With very focused improvements this startup believes they deliver best-in-class capabilities by which they achieve demonstrable results.
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Emerging Tech: TechScape for AI Seed
Stage Startups

High priority for
your roadmap

Don’t wait for competitors to become a one-stop-shops

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